And here's this month's news!
What's new at my gaming table?
Only one game as a player this month, still from Delta Green led by my friend Onos. As FBI agents, we investigate a strange death, with few clues and disturbing biological manipulations.
On the Game Master’s side, I'm still reading the Pathfinder 2 Core Legacy rules before running an initiation scenario (the Beginner Box one) and then launching the Abominations Vault Adventure Path. The party is set up and the pre-generated characters sharpen their weapons.
Latest articles published on the blog
As always, my posts are written in french but your browser may propose to translate them
An article on the latest update to one of my favorite programs, Dungeon Alchemist, called Magic! and which, among a plethora of new features, allows us to make irregularly-shaped rooms, which will greatly change the look of our maps. I took the opportunity to work on new maps (see below).
Greyhawk is back! Yes, yes, after 30 years of inactivity, the mythical D&D setting will be back in the spotlight in the next edition of the game. It will be without me (for the 5.5/6/2024 edition), but I hope one day mastering a mini-campaign in this universe. Since I've already written the storyline, all I have to do is find a slot in my ttrpg schedule. That's where things get complicated!
Finally, a new report on my previous D&D campaign, Adventures in Phandalin, has been published, with sessions 47 to 53 (out of 67). This time, the focus is on the Mere of Dead Men, where epic adventures unfold between cultists and dragons (plural, yes!).
Readings and inspirations
Readings: after volume 2 of the Malazan Book of the Fallen, I read the second and final volume of Chloé Chevalier's Loin des Iles Mauves saga (french only, not translated), then returned to the third Malazan volume, Memories of Ice, which I had already read three years ago. I participate (intermittently) in the french Malazan Wiki.
Video games: I haven't spent much time on it, but I'm continuing my Egyptian adventures in Assassin's Creed Origins.
TV series: I've watched a few episodes of season 6 of Black Mirror and I confess to being unconvinced so far. Has Charlie Brooker lost his mojo?
Creations, tips, shop…
Publications of the month
A new creation with Lava Temple, but I also had fun creating Magic School (which I'll improve later) and Witch Hut, which will be released very soon, as well as making a teste with an Old School ‘blue’ map (do you like it?).

I also made an Otari Fishery map for all Pathfinder adventures in this area! Free version and variants are on my new Patreon page!
Current projects
at least two battlemaps
a little fantasy adventure
I started editing my #dungeon23 megadungeon for a publication at the end of the year
I relaunched a Patreon page and I’m now also on Threads!
Follow me on the web
follow me on TwitterX and/or Mastodon and/or Threads
Support me on my Patreon page
Buy me a coffee, or a tea, or a beer! Explore my shop!
my TTRPG blog (in french - but your browser may propose to translate it)
That’s it for this issue, see you soon!
And do not hesitate to leave a message or comment below or answer to the email to let me know what you think of this letter.