Back in TTRPG this month!
Latest articles published on the blog
As always, my posts are written in french but there is a translation widget on the blog
I haven't been very active on the blog, but I did publish an article about the latest update of Dungeon Alchemist, one of my favourite programs for creating maps (whether for my games or for projects I publish). It's called The Treasury and it's aptly named! I'd like to take this opportunity to share with you the home page of my next campaign (in Greyhawk!), created with this software.
I've also published the level 7 of my megadungeon, the Grim Peak Fortress, and drawn level 8, which I've yet to describe. That'll come soon, as I'm trying to catch up.
What's new at my gaming table?
After a two months’ break, we've resumed my D&D campaign called Adventures in Phandaline, which is now a long way from its home base as the group is trapped in the Negative Material Plane and battling a lich - yes, yes! The campaign will soon come to an end, but under what conditions?
Readings and inspirations
I also caught up with D12Monthly magazine, of which I read two issues. Issue 24: Inns and taverns presents different types of places, menus served, games and entertainment, npcs or quest givers and a complete adventure. Issue 25: Sewers has everything you need to know about sewers, the rat catcher class, what creatures you meet, connections with other places of interest, unusual inhabitants... A magazine that's always a great source of inspiration - and it's free, too. Link
On the comics front, I've started Marvel's Thor series (2020), which is a pretty good read even if it's nowhere near the level of Jason Aaron's run. In the superhero genre, I've also seen the Flash film and published my review here. As for series, I've started season 3 of The Witcher but I'm not sure I'll be continuing...
I also read three books, something I haven't done in ages! The first is an essay about Dune, by a french author, Nicolas Allard. Then a novella, The Serpent, the first volume of The Gameshouse trilogy by Claire North, which is a fairly short and intriguing text, with power games in Venice. I'll quickly post my review and then move on to the two sequels in this short trilogy. And the Gameshouse has just been added to one of my RPG worlds...
Without transition, I moved on to The Boy on the Bridge, by M.R. Carey, which is a prequel to The Girl with All the Gifts, which I really liked. And this other opus, set in the same post-apocalyptic world full of hungry zombies, is just as effective. I also decided to reactivate, without any pressure, my sci-fi and fantasy reading blog that was stopped a year ago.
And finally, I went to the Octogônes Con in Lyon, one of the biggest in France dedicated to role-playing games, but also board games and card games. I just wandered around the aisles and chatted with a few authors (of novels!) while admiring the stands here and there. Perhaps next year I'll sign up for a game, or maybe we'll meet up with my Discord community?
Creations, tips, shop…
Publications of the month
As planned, I've published The Spider's Nest on Ko-fi and DrivethruRPG. And I've started working on The Old Mine, which will include several levels. My Ko-fi subscribers have already received the first map...
Current projects
Over the next few weeks, I'll be drawing level 8 of the megadungeon, finishing the level 9 map and starting to populate it. I'm also continuing with The Old Mine (I've already drawn two more levels) and I've got two projects for D&D 5E that I'd like to finish.
Follow me on the web
follow me on Twitter and/or Mastodon
Buy me a coffee, or a tea, or a beer! Explore my shop and become a dragon!
my TTRPG blog (in french - with a translation widget), my english small website
That’s it for this issue, see you soon!
And do not hesitate to leave a message or comment below or answer to the email to let me know what you think of this letter.