Here is the last letter for the month of may! Please make sure you have access to it by checking your spam folder.
Latest articles published on the blog
Althrough my blog is in french, there is a translation widget on the bottom right of the page so it should help you understand most of it!
Three articles have been published since the previous issue of this newsletter! In the first one, I looked at the new release for Dungeons and Dragons, the rulebook and bestiary Mordenkainen presents Monsters of the Multiverse . With a rather mixed opinion as you can see.
Then I continued my ‘Design a Dungeon’ series, with the fourth episode speaking of thinking about a general plan for a MegaDungeon that makes sense and is interesting, and not just an accumulation of Doors-Monsters-Treasures. Since this series is not very successful, I may stop it here but I wanted to write it anyway, at least up to this point.
Finally, I was able to finalize my article on the Lost Mine of Phandelver, the campaign from the original D&D Starter Kit, and the major changes I made to it to make it more easy to master and add some background. In order to give it a bit more coherence, especially since I mixed it with the content of the Essentials Kit.
What's new at my gaming table?
I have mastered my first game of Call of Cthulhu! After playing it multiple times, I was planning to move to the other side of the (virtual) screen this summer, but the temporary pauses in my D&D and Middle-Earth campaigns due to vacations or absences prompted me to do a one-shot. I chose the classic House Corbitt (or Haunted House or The Hauting depending on the editions) and it went well, with two of my regular D&D players, who I found here again but in a completely different atmosphere!
My D&D campaign continues and I may rename it as we have moved from Adventures in Phandalin to new exploits on the Sword Coast with a thunderous arrival in Leilon, just north of the Mere of the Dead where much trouble awaits adventurers!
Readings and inspirations
One of my ttrpg friends has parted with her Keeper’s Handbook for the 7th edition of Call of Cthulhu by a previous french editor, and as I like this graphic style, I bought it. I already had the (EDGE) actual editor’s version in digital, the two complement each other and I'm going to study the differences.
Cthulhu, still, but with the reading of the Dreamlands book of short stories, I thought it was time to open my collector's box set subscribed during a crowdfounding a couple of years ago and to discover Lovecraft's texts that I don't know yet. I had made a blog post a while ago about my reading of the cycle as an inspiration for roleplaying.
I finally read Yum DM's zine, the 12th issue is about solo roleplaying and it's interesting even if I'm not a fan of random dungeon generation. There are hooks and tables to reuse as inspiration elsewhere, though. Get it free there!
A new Unearthed Arcana (playtest material) has been released for D&D under the title Giant Options. It allows new subclasses for the Barbarian, Druid and Wizard and new Traits that revolve around giants, primordial forces and runes. You can even change shape to a giant or summon a dinosaur! The premises of a future official book for 2023?
Patreon, tips, shop…
I opened recently a Ko-fi page where you can find my portfolio (and buy me a coffee or a beer if you want!) dedicated to my One Page Dungeons or adventures in english. I recently published The Ettin’s Grotto, a short module of monsters… and love! Go check it out, it’s Pay What You Want!
Follow me on the web
my ttrpg blog (in french)
See you guys in two weeks for the next newsletter!
And do not hesitate to leave a message or comment below to let me know what you think of this letter.